3 Dec 2013

Difference between pyramid system and MLM marketing

 Difference between pyramid system and  MLM marketing

When someone introduce you web marketing (MLM Marketing) business, you usually first think about pyramid system and if you don't know the difference between them You usually say:

' No thank you, I don't like pyramid system'

'I don't trust pyramid system'

 This response is automatic, it's programmed into us. This words we are heard from childhood from parents, friends, coworkers, ...

But I will tell you the truth:

What is pyramid system?

Pyramid system is today's capitalist system. Pyramid system is very likely to be your current job. Is that what we are taught from an early age, do school-listen to teacher, find a job, then hire credit, buy an apartment or house, have children, be a good go to work regularly - listen to the boss ....

Looks forward to the weekend, as they are not working and hope that you can rest and cough enough sleep.
Through all year long, think about your year vacancy if you will be able to have it or if you will be able to take another loan beside loan for car or apartment.
Enjoy your holiday, do all what you want and you do not have time doing during the year.
Sorry spouse and children, if often fight about, because all you need to get used to freedom and every few days would want to do what he wants.
Apologize your spouse or children if you argue more often. This is their only free time to and everyone wish to do what they like doing. And is hard to put everything in few days. 
And when you work like this till your pension (if you'll live to see), then you will be able to do what you've waited for all this years.
And when you look back ... what do you see?
What seems to be a pyramid in the business world?

Nothing else than this picture. Just to be on the top directors and shareholders.

What is MLM marketing?

This is a new system of marketing. A lot of people are scared of it because is new. But old was replaced by a new one, because they found that the old systems no longer work. 
Imagine spider web. MLM Marketing is like that.
There is no top, you are your own boss. All people around you are willing to help you and cooperate with you.
From you there goes threads a lot of them to other coworkers and from them to others, and from this member to other and so on and on. Network is infinite.
And from each member of your network you earn.
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The income you receive from people you do not know, whose name sometimes you even don't know how to pronounce correctly.
Now that we have the opportunityof Internet is good to use it. Everything you can do from home, friends, favorite cafes in the sun loungers on the terrace .... Anywhere you have Internet access.
In the morning you wake up without alarm clock,you work when you have time, you can live anywhere in the world, you do not need to defend to anyone ....

MLM marketing gives you financial independence and personal freedom.

How did you lived till now?

At the bottom of the pyramid, where you let them trample all over you
in the safe haven of the network, where you surround and protect by others?


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